Child Support

"Child Support"

Women have children, then dump their man, then make up the story that he abandoned his children, then require him to pay, when it was her who abandoned him and prevented him from being the father to his children. While it is true that a man is to provide for his family, this is to be understood within the context that he is the head of the family. If the mother is rasing the children alone, then she is also declaring that she is the head of the family and therefor must pay for that raising of the children alone, as well as her own costs. If she has abandoned her husband, then she must also abandon his money. 

Men do not realize that they can legally avoid paying "child support" by presenting themselves to the court as a "living man". Courts only have legal duristiction over corporations, not over living men. The word corporation comes from two Latin words: corpus (meaning a corpse) and orat (meaning to speak). The true meaning of the word corporation is: a corpse that speaks. The courts fraudulently make everyone a corporation because when we are born we are given a birth certificate which has a registration number on it (regis is Latin for king ....  we are pawns of the king). Without our knowledge or permission a corporation was set up in our name and this is how we are transacted by the courts, police, and government. (government means: mind control. To govern means to control, and ment refers to the mind, which is where we get such words as mental etc). The courts cannot legally touch you if you represent or present yourself to them, in and out of court, as a living man. The world's expert on this is Dean Clifford. You will find many his videos on youtube. (altho the downside of Clifford is his filthy language.)